Bloody Hopes

I thought ud be here forever
i never knew that one day
could change so much
that words could make me crumble
and you wouldn't be there to
keep me from falling apart
you say ill move on
but theres no where to go
you say ill forget
but i know its not so
How can i forget someone
whose as important as you?
how can i move on
when i dont want to?
so i will not forget
and i deffinatly wont move on
ill sit here and wait
because of this mess that you made
it has me tied down
a prisoner to my emotions
that you've badly abused
leading me on with a friendship
so sweet
a friendship that we were hoping
in time would become romance
but now its all gone
my hopes have been shot down
and lie with bloody broken wings on the floor
i cannot forget and i will not move on
i cant believe i let myself think
"maybe hes the one"