Auribus Tenere Lupum

I saw you today,
I couldnt stand waiting,
I know what happens at the full moon,
And I wanted to catch you, before you were gone,
You have such soulless eyes,
They're so beautiful,
Who was I to think that I could ever get close enough?
I wanted to get close enough, to at least touch your face,
To feel your heartbeat, before it was gone for good,
I never thought that things would get this far,
When we talked last night, you were so afraid
Of what would happen under the moon,
You didnt want me to see you that way,
But I cant resist,
So, at midnight, when you step out of the dark and into the eyes of the moon,
When your eyes change shade, to a burnt cobalt,
And every vein in your body turns a striking green,
When you turn into a soulless monster,
I'll be standing there, to look at you,
Whatever you did before, it doesnt matter,
Whatever crimes or sins you committed, you dont have to live with them forever,
I can see your story in your cobalt eyes,
I recognize the pressure around them,
I feel those scars on your hands,
The blood stains on your chest,
I can here the regret cracking in your bones when I press my ear to your skin,
You poor lost, beautiful thing,
We cant hide beneath this wall of apathy anymore,
So I stand before you in that ripped red dress you loved so much,
My hair is messy and straight, because you always brushed it out of my eyes,
And your heart collides with mine, as the planets align themselves in just the right way,
As the stars begin to fall and crash, as the tide picks up, and the moon goes orange,
Look at me,
You're not a monster,
All your past mistakes,
They prove nothing,
You are not a monster, you fool,
You're human,
So just look into me and find that love I know you can see,
If you're a monster, I'm not afraid of you,
I'm afraid of your heart skipping a beat,
Blocking your sense, making you think you're a monster,
You're my angel, my human angel.