Daddy's Little Girl...

It's times like these that I'm kinda glad I don't know exactly where his guns are. Because I would DEFIANTLY use them on him. Just blow his fucking face apart. Aim the gun right here *points in between eyes*.

No...I wouldn't do that...That would be too easy. I would want to torture him,to make him suffer. Make him scream in pain,agony...Just scream,scream,and scream...And I would just laugh and laugh...

But fucking conscience would catch up to me...I would feel remorse...I would feel bad for him...I might even let him go...I would show him mercy when he was not merciful...

No...I wouldn't do that...I would put him out of his misery. One bullet passing through skin,skull,and straight into his brain...I wonder if he would still talk shit right before I did it...or if he would finally,shut the FUCK UP!

There will always be a dark place inside of me that my Father created. A place where all bad things go to happen. A place where he rules. Because he has to control everything. Daddy ALWAYS has to be in control. Daddy ALWAYS has to be right. Daddy loves me. That's why EVERY LITTLE misstep I take means that I am a worthless excuse for a human. I don't deserve to be cared about. It's all my fault, not matter what I think to be the truth.

But no matter what happens...I'll always be Daddy's Little Girl...