
Your stares freezes me,
I sit frozen under spell,
My eyes glued to yours,
A small smirk graces your lips,
As we sit across the room,
I finally tore my gaze from yours,
My face to the front,
But your stares bores through me,
I shiver but yet,
I have a jacket,
The cold I feel is not real,
But that cold stare of yours,
Tares through my being like a bear,
Those dark eyes don't show emotions,
But yet gives off danger,
The shiver is a warning,
Stay away or get eaten,
And yet I sit here,
And sneack glances at your dangeerous,
firgure sitting there,
With a sinister smile on your lips,
i tey and distract myself,
But yet I'm still drawn to you,
You, a dangerous, cold figure of lust,
To the human eye,
But I don't see that,
i see a cold person,
Not curel, just cold,
That gaze that freezes me,
Now disappionts me,'I fought with te animal,
And won,
Now the animal sits,
here wounded begging for help,
And yet i turn cold,
Cold to the core,
Liike you were.