Leap Of Faith

When the world is at your feet,
The hardest part is the first leap.
Those first few steps.
With only blind faith,
In that you will make it,
In that you can make it,
In that if you do make it to that ledge that it will not crumble away.
And leave you falling.
Like so many times before.
For some that leap is;
Too far,
Too high,
Too impossible,
Too improbable.
But that blind leap of faith.
That first step of so many more.
Is the only one we long to do.
We long for;
the courage,
The ability,
The strength.
To take that plunge.
Without fear, without worry.
And knowing that we will land,
Safe and easy.
But we can never be certain.
Because that’s why they are leaps of faith,
As you have to take that risk,
For that benefit.
And if those leaps are not made,
Then, well, what’s the point?
Because anything worth anything,
Takes a risk, To have it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hai guys :)
Different to what I normally write.
Is that a Good thing or bad thing? xD
Haha please comment and tell me what you think.
Thanks for reading.