Crimos irises cut through the night,
As the defendor of the skies, it's not only your right,
To stand tall and see overall,
Shadowed souls have nothing on you,
For even your heart is eternally blue,
Bruised and battered, your sould remains,
And your scars show that love isn't a game,
If you put on a smile and laugh through the pain,
The tears won't fall freely in vain,
Be patient, my dear, you shall not live in fear,
Listen to your dreams,
They hold all the keys,
The control your fate and define your destiny,
Don't mess around when it comes to sleep,
If you play your cards right, you won't scream in the night,
Sometimes a whisper will constitute a bandage so that maybe your hear will regain natural color,
the dark red-almost black- the color of blood that no one else has.
A corpses' hear brought back to life.
It's a never ending cycle in the game of life.
♠ ♠ ♠
well...pretty much says it all