Pictures of Friendship

Two pictures lying
On the table to the left
Separate pictures
Never knowing the depth

One of a girl
With a paunchy face
Hair of gold
Lost in this place
Her demons paraded
By a look in her eyes
Many days falling
Hoping she flies.

The other a girl
With a slender façade
Hair is darkened
Her smile does fade
Searching for solace
Through much distress
Exhausted by striving
For you, to impress.

Two pictures lying
On the table to the left
A third picture is placed
Bringing joy to the scene.

In the picture two girls
The same as before
Only this time it’s different
This story tells more.
Their eyes are crazy
Mouths twisted and queer
The two girls are happy
No evidence of fear.
Though diverse in presence
Their disposition is the same
One supports the other
Different pawns in one game.

Three pictures now lying
On the table to the left
Stories combining
Creating friendship at best.