Overworked, Underpaid Stress!

Wake, work, sleep
That is all I have time to do!
My free time is created by me,
And I can barely use it.

But according to my principle
I am not performing if I ain't stressed.
But do they pay me?
Do they reward me?
Once in a while?!
Do they encourage me?
Only to stress more!

'Work harder', They chant.
'Some day you will reach your goal', They say.
'Life isn't easy', They testify.
'We all know that', I reply!

Sure I might reach my goal but is it worth it?
To be up late nights constantly studying,
Missing out on a social life
Just to pass a test or to meet you standards?
Maybe, I should just give up!
Your standards seem to be only attainable by
The Special
The Gifted
The oh so Wonderfully Talented
But I am not them!
I don't fall under any category but humanity!
For I am a mere human, Not the God of Perfection!
So I will only work for what I want!
And what I want is a time to breathe, let loose,
And do what I want to do avec mes amis!