A Small Candle, Flickering Light Of Happiness

My world is falling apart at my feet.
I’m finding it hard to sleep.
The peaceful, blankness of it will not come.
With all these sad thoughts and worried feelings coursing through me.

The light is too far away for me to catch it.
I’m reaching, I’m reaching For it.
While I’m falling into the darkness.
But there is nothing to stop me.

The feeling of oncoming depression engulfs me.
As I feel an iron grip pulling, I can’t break free.
The beautiful light of happiness like a small flickering candle in the distance.
I don’t know what to do anymore, Oh please someone save me!

Can’t my world come back.
Can’t the big bad world give me some slack?
I’m losing myself in the darkness.
No one can save me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote it ages and ages ago, thought I should post it to give you guys a read :)
Tell me whatcha think :)
Thanks for reading <3