Love's Eternal Crown

Sitting simply in a book,
Somewhere nobody ever looks,
She found a most peculiar thing,
A rose, loves very first ring,
But the book- the words seemed to contrast so
With the beauty of the rose, pure as snow
'I've heard everything will fade away
Even from this eternal day
Your love and mine-
Will it leave this way?'
'No,' she sighed, recognizing the thorns,
'Our love is just like this flower,
perfect, with thorns meant to empower
For the rose is Earth's eternal crown,
withered or not, it will still be around
When the rose blooms each spring
I think of you and me,
Whether you think it be
Fading or not
Beautiful or rot
I think of you, and hope you think of me.'
♠ ♠ ♠
For a contest!

Ugh.. Its not that good. -_-