True Colors

As the tears streamed down my face
You yelled at the top of your lungs
You struck me with your hand
And your words
I thought I knew you
I thought you loved me too
But right now, you showed your true colors
Your rage
Your anger
Your hate
I'm not sure how much more I can take
But one final thing I have to say if I never wake
I gave you my heart
You crushed it
I gave you my love
You took it for granted
I was faithful to you
You cheated
I was going to bring your child into the world
And this is how you treat me?
Now I lay unconscious on the floor
My life and the babies slipping away
With you standing there drunk
Are you happy with what you have done?
Now I lay here
At least now I know your true colors
And that you never loved me
♠ ♠ ♠
none of this ever happened to me, but I've heard about this stuff happening to other people or at least read a few stories with people getting beaten to death or brutally beaten. also, I've read things about a girl in this same case.