waiting for my dawn

My life is in the dark
and i m all alone
i am starving for one spark
for he has gone
With the increasing darkness
hopes for the lights have grown
as the joy is awaited by my lonliness
i am waiting for my dawn
When i think,why am i alone
why everybody has gone.
why my night is so long
i find reason as “me”
I make one,i break one
i win one,i loose one.
its due to me that every body has gone
thats why,still i am waiting for my dawn
Today even my night is crying
i can see clearly everywhere
my dead thoughts and feelings lying
i am craving for the answers i am asking-
Why my life’s house is empty,
why there is no one in my heart’s lawn
why i am not enjoying my night
why? why am i waiting for my dawn
♠ ♠ ♠
i like this one because its true