Ok, so I am greedy

Ok, so I’m greedy
For the want of your mouth
Enveloping me
Making me harder
And throwing my senses
Into the depths of the uncontrolled

Ok, so I long
For the touch of your tongue
Teasing my length
Making me slippery
In the heat of your kiss
Such a luscious kiss

And yes I do want
The explosion you give me
When you draw me to climax
With those inviting lips
And playful tongue
Oh how my head spins!

And oh, how I lust
For that insidious smile
That plays on your lips
When you know you have me
On the brink and over
And trembling with the release

Then I can wish
To barely regain my senses
So that I can lift you up
And lay you back down
To spread you for my tongue
And the delicious sound of a pleasure returned.

Ok, so I am greedy.