Escape The Fate

I heard a shadow calling my name
So I turned and looked in its direction
It kept calling
I walked slowly
I couldn't stop, I was put in a trance
And then it pulled me in.
It wasn't horrible, like most would say
The monster filled with energy
The energy burning dark, but bright
It erases any and all traces of light
Yet still a darker place awaits, waiting for me to escape the fate
Beckoning to me
It sends me thoughts and messages
It appears in my dreams
I'm curious about what awaits
I want to see what's there
I've glimpsed it before
It's beautiful
Dark purple and black
Purple fires burn
Red and blue
Skeletal trees and ferns
I almost decided to go
I could see myself there
But because of you two
You two only
Here I'll remain and bear.
♠ ♠ ♠
I always do my best poetry writing in 3rd period either day....odd, huh?? Also, the title obviously shows my obsession....which I am not ashamed of. XD