His Heart's Control

Red eyes gleaming
Smirk hides pain
Demon, you've fallen
Twisted, now insane

Fallen out of evil
And now into love
But the fall has left you
Hidden from aboce

How could you fall
Lower than your hell?
Didn't think it was possible
But far you must have fell

Love is a hell
But it was not meant for you
What happened to your evil?
Now you've lost all you knew

You used to be so strong
Uncaring, an evil shell
But then she turned up
And to you she chose to yell

The first time someone
Fought against you, and won
You immediately lost your heart
Though you didn't know you had one

Love drove you mad
Because it wasn't meant for you
It wasted your body away
And your angel wasted too

But then they killed her
And your evil mask returned
Your heart was gone forever
Your lesson you have learned

Never fall to love again
And you will remain your cold self
You're lucky you weren't punished
Next time, they'll kill you themself