Your Love Is Just A Lie

Watching your sleepless form you have no a care in the world.
Not even the fact that I'm not wrapped in your tight embrace like usual.

We are shattered like a mirror, the pieces are so little,
so microscopic that you dont even realize they are there,
but they hurt so bad when we finally step on them.

We used to be so consumed of love for one another,
now we're thriving off of our growing hate.

Our blood running not through each others veins,
but intead down each others arms.

Tears replace the smiles as the bad times begin to consistantly out number the good.

We both harbor broken hearts that we try so hard to mend because neither of us want to give up,
want to admit that our love will never be enough.

As you toss and turn I wonder what your thinking,
wonder if an ounce of you even cares .

I wonder these things and I hate myself for it.

We are not meant to be and I know in my heart you no longer shrae that same attraction to me.

You no longer experience that feeling of excitement when our paths cross
You no longer have to catch your breathe when I kiss you.

I see your coldness toward me in your eyes,
I feel it in your touch,
I sense it in your presence.

Even when you make love to me you are in another place,
One that's not here with me,
Where you should be.

I know that you have grown to hate me,
Grown to dread my presence,
Despise my very being.

These are the things I cannot change,
The things I wish I could change.

Staring at you, tears pouring down my face,
I can't help but love the noises you make when you sleep.

You are peaceful,
You are content.

I am restless,
I am depressed.

I am your worst enemy,
I am your source of un happiness,
I am your definition of imperfection.

You are my best friend,
You are my happy place,
You are the closest thing to perfection.

Without you by my side, there is no longer a purpose in my life,
That's why this is a love story without a happy ending.

This is the last chapter in this part of our lives,
This is heartbreak in its worst form,
This is the end of you and I.