Did You know...?

Did you know it was the first time I fall in love
And did you notice how I fell so fast
I hope you remember I gave it my all
But some things are better off like this

Did I mention before that I’m in love with your smile?
That it’s hurting me that I haven’t seen it in a while
They say all the good times eventually come to an end
Just remember I had spent the best time of my life

You know I didn’t lie when I said that I loved you
And I was willing to give it a shot even knowing it was wrong
Because I’ve said it before and you should always know
That you were my only exception…the love I shouldn’t have let go

I may have no pictures with you…
Or anything to remember you with
But I got the reality engraved in my soul…
You’ll always be my first love

I’ll keep the memory in my heart
So when I’m feeling down or torn
I’ll relish the memories and your sweet talk
I’ll remember you, and what you’d have said

Maybe am not good at letting go
But this time I’m positive it’s for the best
I know it’s breaking me and will take time to heal
But at least am not mending a broken heart

You were the best thing that happened to me
But because I love you so much I gotta do this
We can’t stay hanging in the middle forever
But maybe one day we can get back together

I’m saving every word…every song you told me
I’m saving every moment and argument we shared
Just know that wherever life takes us next
I’m happy that our paths crossed one day<3
♠ ♠ ♠
Just know that wherever life takes us next...I'm happy that our paths crossed once day<3