The Beginning of the End

Fuck you and your stupid lies.
You think you can talk about me behind my back
and get away with it forever?
Or just treat me like crap day after day?
I'm only tolerant for so long
and honey, you've crossed the line.
I've tried brushing it off,
but you're just so damn immature
I can't handle it.
I'm so sick of your shit!
Excuse my french, please,
if nothing else.
I don't want to lose a friend.
But it seems to be becoming more inevitable every day.
Please stop it.
What did I ever do to you?
I hope you're happy.
I cared about you.
You were my best friend.
But I was never yours, was I?
You've hated me since day one.
It hurts, because I believed you
when you said you were my friend.
Well screw it, I'm outta here.
Take your fake friendship and shove it.
This is the end,
time to say goodbye now.