I am...

I am a very confused kid

I am a very lonely kid

I am the one they chuckle at

I am the one with the fake smile

I am the one told what to do

I am the one wishing and praying

I am the one hoping and holding my breath

I am the one that when I feel I get close I get farther away

I am the one that you love to hate, you hate to love.

I have been pushed

I have been hurt

I have been shot down

I am the fragile flower that has died.

I am only thorns and empty petals

I am hopelessly hopeful

I am laughing on the outside, crying on the inside

I am the weirdo

I am the nerd

I am the girl next door

I am on the other coast

I am the cheesy song

I am the truest song known

I am the one that loves him

I am the one feeling like her heart is broken once more

I am the one that has no more heart to break

I am shambles

I am put together perfectly

I am truthful

I am full

I am striving to do best

I am a painter or words and pictures

I am a doodler

I am thoughts

I am insecure

I am confident

I am everyone

I am no one

I am me.