
Do you remember the friends you had,
Years and years ago?
The ones you said you would be with forever
But now you barely know?

Do you remember everyone who ever
Helped you in times of need?
Did you thank them very courteously,
Or leave them alone from greed?

Time is an element you cannot get back
Try as hard as you want.
Once something happens, you can’t erase it
No matter how nonchalant.

How many times have you told your parents
How much you love them so?
Before you know it, they’ll be gone, poof!
Before you’re ready to let go.

A split second change everything
Can save or take a life
You never know what’s going to happen in the future,
And your time isn’t rife.

So remember the past and all the great time’s you’ve had
Remember the great things you’ve done.
Tell everyone who needs to hear it that you love them,
Because you never know it you’ll again see the sun.