I'd like to think this will mean something to you when I'm gone.

I watch as autumn explodes from your fingertips
it happens so quickly
like a feeling that passes
I almost miss the falling leaves
that are really just stems that have broken off
from the source
until they change color and die

and it's funny
how you can want something so bad
but you can't laugh about it when it's gone

and it's scary
how you can be so misguided
but you can't cry about it when it's over

and it's confusing
how you can love so much
but you can't understand when it comes back to you

we change like your seasons
we change like your thoughts
but you don't change like us
but still stay the same

autumn to winter to spring to summer
autumn to winter to spring to summer
please stay
just this once
don't break off from the source
don't die on me again
stay with me
stay alive