Our time has come

A world of chaos, torn by memories of the lost. The screams of the innocent echoing through the streets. Sirens wailing all around us, the dead cease to exist. The earth rumbling beneath our feet as we wake a most persuasive beast. The roads full of confusion, the minds of the people can’t comprehend. Panic spreads like a wild fire through the cities all around the world. Questions arise, but answers not found. The hidden mark will be the test, but to accept will be death. The beast we woke walks like us and wears a mask that hides his true form. In our time of dire need he shall stand before us and many will idolize him, but few have to fight him. His black soul he shrouds with words. The time to answer the calling is now, go forth spreading the words that reveals the answer we all seek. Our brothers and sisters our puzzled by recent events that have conspired to test our faith. The beast shall comfort us with false promises that will be our downfall. Souls of the people cry out to receive him but the mind rejects him. There is a long journey ahead filled with many trials. The only thing that will make us survive is to believe that there is one god, one savior, one father.