I Don't Care

I don’t care,
What you think of me.
So don’t share,
The stupid shit, that annoys you about me.

Because I don’t give a shit.
And I don’t care what you think.
Not one single bit.
And, you can try to stain my heart, but your words ain’t ink.

Your words can’t hurt me, no more.
Because your opinion is void.
Unlike before.
Because my low self esteem, had been destroyed.

To leave room for;
Someone who loves themself.
Self Loathing galore, well not anymore.
Finally happy with myself.

You all put me down.
But It no longer hurts,
You won’t make me frown.
You can’t make me feel like dirt.

Because I am perfect.
Just the way I am, And I am beautiful.
Just the way I am, And all the shit you say, I’ll deflect.
And all the shit, I had a bellyful.

I am who I am.
And what you think? I don’t care.
I am a gem.
And I Love who I am, So just you insult me, come on I dare.
Because, I no longer care.
♠ ♠ ♠
:) This is something that I have been struggling with for a while.
I would like to know your opinions on it.
Have you ever been teased for being yourself?
I hope you can relate and I also hope you like the poem.
Comment and tell me what you think.
Thanks for reading.