
here i sit with you on my mind.
i am probably just wasting my time.
but i dont care.
i will always be there.
when you need me most.
turn to me, and let it go.
ill take all that pain.
ill hold all that suffering.
ill take care of ur burdens and troubles.
i dont mind if it makes mine double.
i care about eveyone but myself.
i help everyone but myself.
i put others first.
but with the pain i hold i may burst.
whos going to be there for me?
what happens when im in need?
i get left behind.
no one cares, are they blind?
i am who i am.
no one can change that.
do i want to change?
who wouldnt?
can i change?
i may be in too deep.
all these things are a part of me.
something i will always be.
no matter how hard i try,
or howlong i may cry.
ill always be invisible to those around me.
and the ones i care about will always turn me away.
really invisible.