He's gonna tell you. Your gonna think.

He's gonna tell you that he loves you.
He's gonna tell you forever and ever.
He's gonna say he dreamed of you last night.
He's gonna say it's meant to be.

He's gonna kiss you like he means it.
He's gonna hold you like he never wants to let go.
He's gonna call you perfect, and stay on the phone with you for hours.

He's gonna say your beautiful.
He's gonna say your all he's been searching for.
He's gonna say all those cheesy love lines, that your gonna eat up.
He may buy your gifts, and he may not.

When you ask what he's doing he's gonna say "thinking about you."
He's gonna flaunt you, like he actually does love you.
And your gonna believe he does.

He's gonna break your heart.
Sorry to say, but he most likely is.
So enjoy the ride.
Trust that he isn't, but prepare for the possibility that he does.
For pride come'ith before the fall.

When you think everything is going great, it's gonna come crashing down.
He's gonna say he's just not the same.
He's gonna say he did love you, but he doesn't anymore.

Your gonna think what you did wrong.
Your gonna think that it's the end of the world.
And honey, for a while it's gonna feel like it is.
For some quite a bit, months.

But, I want you to realize.
Everything he told you was a lie.
And I know that's hard to believe.
But he used you.

But Baby, it'll be ok.
Cry if you need to, punch a hole in the wall.
Take as much time was you need.
It'll pass I promise.

Because as much as you don't think it will happen,
there will be a guy, that sincerely loves you.
And there will be a guy that will never leave you.
It might take a while, it might not, but have faith.

there's someone out there for everyone, you just haven't crossed paths yet
♠ ♠ ♠
I just thought I needed to tell all the girls out there, that it will be ok, because I wish someone would have done the same for me </3