Black Web

Nothing trapped us here,
We werent born just to get caught in a web,
I never forgot you,
But I know that I can never have you, not really

We were at the top of the summit,
All of us, almost blinded by the drowning snow,
I saved us, but part of you is still broken,
And I'm to blame

I 've always dreamt of a youth like this,
Something to hold when I felt weak,
Something to have when all I owned was carried away,
A shoulder to cry on, when the puddle of my tears reaches my neck

I looked at all of their faces,
So light and full of life,
You were happy too, but there was something missing,
Curtains kept the light from shining through your eyes, and suddenly, you were gone

I wanted to run to you,
If only you knew how much my legs throbbed,
If only you knew how much fire burned in me, for you,
If you only knew how I wanted to save you, no matter how many lives I had left,

I would throw it all away for a chance to look at you, and still see that cherubic face teasing me,
I would have loved that so much...
And I hope you say just one last thing to me, if you're really going to go, Just say that one last thing...
Tell me nothing can break through that invisible string binding us together,

I might be asking for a lot,
But vows and lies are things I just cannot live with,
All I need is a feathered pen, a paper, and another heart that beats for me, sitting next to me,
For the rest of eternity...