That Girl

You know that weird girl?
The one that comes to school
Wearing the same clothes everyday?
The one that keeps to herself,
And has a million scars on her wrists?
Sometimes she's out for days at a time.
She has no friends
Because she's so weird.
She's such an outcast.

Yeah, you know her, don't you?

You know that she has nobody
Except two parents who beat her
When she does something wrong.
You know that she has bruises
All over her legs from the unwanted
Sexual contact.
You know that her parents are crackheads
Who never wanted her in the first place.
You know that those marks
Are just ways for
Her to deal with the pain.
You know that she's so quiet
Because everytime she would speak
Her mother would slice her tongue
And beat her to a bloody pulp.

You know her so well.