
I’ve felt this way before
Like I don’t have a chance
Yet I want more
I want romance

You got me in a trance
You got me in a knot
You weaken my stance
You’re why I thought

About why I sought
These feelings I had
My heart it rots
The feelings so sad

Is it really that bad?
To feel love they say
It’s like you had
Your heart ripped out the way

But yet you stay
Even without a chance
You prey you may
Have a chance at romance

So keep your stance
And reach for the stars
Fall in the trance
You’ve fallen so far

This is ours
Not just yours
So show me your scars
And I’ll show you more

And feel before
When I had a chance
I still want more
I still want romance

So fall for my trance
Fall for my love
Give me a chance
To rise above
Don’t push don’t shove
And give me more
I will show you the love
You’ve been waiting for

The love before
Just give it a chance
Please let us spore
This new romance
♠ ♠ ♠
A sort of happy yet depressing poem. I really like this one myself one. This one makes me feel proud of myself:)