
I felt like it was love but you did not,
You were my everything, what I had sought.
All I wanted forever was your love,
I didn't think I was asking for much.

I sit in my room, a pen in swift hands.
I pour my heart out, something you can't stand.
I write a letter written just for you,
From tonight on, I refuse to be blue.

What I wrote to you in my brief letter,
Tells you what I'm doing to get better.
I fold up the note and head down the stairs,
It's cold outside, though it's not like you'd care.

It's dark out there too, just like your black soul.
That scar you left on me will take it's toll.
The pain in my heart is hatred for you,
What you did to me was far too damn cruel.

I'll remind you, I step on the road.
Of what you did, my pace is then slowed.
I went to your house then knocked on the door,
No answer, but a light's on the next floor.

The keys you gave me sure came in handy,
Because of them I discovered Mandy.
I halted my words and then ran away.
You followed me out to try to persuade.

You said I had really misunderstood.
That I mean more than she possibly could.
I wasn't as dumb as you thought I was.
So right now I smile. Why? Just because.

I'll haunt your dreams, I squint at the bright light.
You won't forget me, I then shut them tight.
The driver in front is too tired to see,
That what he's going to hit is really me.

I'll never figure out what you had caught.
Did you just want someone younger and hot?
So what's left to you's a note dotted in salt,
To let you know it's not the driver's fault.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's about a girl who commits suicide by walking in front of a car late at night. Her boyfriend cheated on her. So to make sure no one thought her death wasn't an accident, she wrote a letter to her ex-boyfriend to tell him it wasn't he driver's fault, but his. Basically to make him feel guilty.

-I wrote this for my grade 11 university class. I got huge marks for it. The teacher loved it.

I wish I could have italicized some words though.