The Ones Hiding Among Us

There you stand, a rebel made of power.
You should not be alive—
But here you stand.

Pain stops most,
But it didn’t stop you.
Death eventually ends all,
But you’ve eluded it.
Most people fear the time when they’re due,
But do you?

Hell is an easy place to escape from,
Once you’ve felt the fiery power
This world can use on you.
But if Hell’s real, is Heaven?
Of course not, little naïve one;
God would’ve saved us if he cared.

You play it off like your life’s average,
But you know there’s so much more.
You laugh at those teenagers trying to be mature;
You don’t show it, but you’re so much older.

Your teachers wonder how you’re so wise,
With all the quotes and epiphanies you’ve harboured.
Is it smart to tell them your story?

It doesn’t really matter, since you shouldn’t even be here.

© Zoe Maguire