Thought you were a friend of mine
dreads all bundled up
'still like your hair though

Something jarring there
pack of cigs in the pocket
of a blue knapsack

It's a rainy day
that man who seems nice misses
the bus. He get's upset.

He glances around
as though in conversation--
the ponytailed man

"stop whining...just buy it back!"
Why should they have to?

What does she do as
she swings each day, long and high?
Contemplates her life?

Three sisters whisper,
giggling little secrets,
going who knows where

Reaching into his
big black sweat shirt, he pulls out
some tea bags and sniffs.

In the winter time
it's a long puffy gold coat
for the shy young girl

A pair of drunk girls;
"everyone's staring at us!"
one giggles loudly

"the wheels on the bus
go round and round" they all sing.
Not as soul says "shh!"

I named him Howard--
the man with the bushy beard
sometimes plays tennis

We're all criminals!
The sign at the stop says "NO
LOITERING" Oh, shit.