...And I'll Be Okay

Its when the days start out right,
Everything beginning so bright.
Then the smiles turn around
And everything makes you frown.

Its days like these,
That make me want to scream.
People in my face,
Never quite enough space.

I want to run away,
Scream out the pain.
Then crawl in a hole
And freeze my heart cold.

But that doesn't always work,
Especially when everyone's a jerk.
And all your dreams are broken.
You're in a nightmare-awoken

So, frustration will stay
and pain will bleed
through my veins
for what feels like eternity.

But hidden from view,
I'll think of you
And maybe my day
Will go the other way.

And one moment I'll be mad,
The next I'll be glad.
Then I'll be quiet
And leave all the riot
Behind me and say
That today is the day
That all the worst goes away
...and I'll be okay