Life Through Drum Sticks

James Ferrara 10.31.10
Mrs.Rossi Creative Writing

Being that I was only fourteen, a lot of experiences were charging my way.

In fact, the moments that will be presented demonstrate the young mind that I once knew and carried.

I was youthful, alive with energy and had false hope. Eccentric personalities interested me and my eyes

were always observant of others and their perspectives. Though, as observant and youthful that I was,

I became completely unaware of the changes and obstacles I had around and ahead of me.

The first real factor of life altering events was Clarke. Skinny, loud, with an ominous stench

of cigarettes coating his jacket, leaving me reminiscing and his beautiful pair of tar coated lungs. Clarke was

the lead singer of my former band, Revival. He must have had one of the most genuine caring personalities that I

had known at my age. Always willing to help in whichever way he could. Until, things became worse and Clarke

stopped being genuine. I'm not sure when or where it was when I decided Clarke had become more of a nuisance

than a friend. But, I do know that If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be as wise of a young man that I call myself, today.

Clarke had this strange attraction to anything that gave him a moment of temporary freedom, even If that meant he

was using artificial substances to obtain that freedom. The problem where I become involved was that I found my

eyes beyond curious by his actions and qualities, that I didn't even realize the extent of how horrible some of the

things he was doing to himself were. Anyone can have an idol and put aside their knowledge to let starstruck coat

their intelligence. I was introduced to things that I had never thought I would be, but I never let anything I felt was

wrong touch me, as I still knew who I was. Eventually, Clarke had grown more involved with these temporary

freedoms and finding ways to achieve that euphoria. Through time, I learned the error of his ways and eventually

started to part from him. The only holding factor of any commitment to a friendship was the band that we were

both in. But, even that started to fall apart. I eventually left the band to never have further contact with Clarke, or

any interest to pursue in doing so.

Then there was John. This situation went a little more in depth as far as how obstacles were

and weren't handled. I met John when I was in Seventh grade, only due to both having a crush on the same

girl. We were actually in these miniature conflicts with each other competing for attention. It took a few weeks

until we were in the same music class as the quarter ended and classes changed. We then started to discuss music

and I invited him to come over to my house to play guitar and join my friend and I. That same day a bond was made

through music and a friendship was clearly noted as approachable. After months passed of playing music, we formed

a band and started playing shows together, thus building that musical bond that we had. In total we must have played

thirty shows all over long island after two years of writing music together. This success went far until Clarke was entered

into the picture. Another competition was created between John and I. But, this time It was competing for Clarke's

friendship. I am not sure how the importance of another figure distracted two individual friends, but once again it did.

We'd spend seasons in the garage playing music with Clarke and another member who had joined the band. For that

time, things were actually alright. Though, there was the competition tension, music was still something we had between

each other. Over the process of playing in bands together, John and I developed other tastes interests. This started

to collide with the way we spent our time with the band. Further, pushing away the musical bond. It came to the point

where he would go through strenuous efforts to bash the music that I enjoyed personally. I understood his difference,

but musicians are musicians, regardless of the noise they make. Eventually, John and I started to grow apart as

I found other interests, musically. I kept pursuing my taste, as he pursued his. We don't speak much anymore.

My final event that I'll be discussing is based on a friend whom over the past two

years, I've realized is there for more than the music. In 2007, while I was playing shows with Revival,

there was this one kid who would come to our Sunken Meadow shows in the summer. He had

every digital CD that we released and a V.I.P. pass that we printed as well. I realized this when I

was in his house a year ago. I had barely known anything about him but, It blew my mind that

he had even obtained this and then decided to keep it, as opposed to tossing it out like any other

teenager would with a purposeless item. It's not the meaning of what the pass was, as much of how

much It meant to me that he kept it. The year 2008 had been reached, and Revival lost their guitarist.

This had hindered the band shortly, as bulletins all across Myspace were sent out, and the notice for

a new guitarist had been promoted. The same individual who had carried the pass and owned the original

CDs responded to a bulletin, then sent a message inquiring that he wished to play guitar for the band.

John and I immediately reacted, pleased with the news and informed the guitar player that the spot was

available for him. He arrived to a practice and blew John and I away. It was at this moment that I realized

I didn't have to be on my own musically. Along the working months, Mark and I practiced and practiced.

We would write songs, compose technical parts and eventually grow to become better and stronger

musicians. In my new current band Hoax V. Host, we play together with two other great musicians.

Mark helped me realize a lot of things about myself. I'm not alone with the mentality that I have of musicianship.

Or the opinions I might have on other music related situations. But, having Mark as a close friend has gave

me the benefit of having hands behind you, when you fall. Not counting the time I fell off of a ladder, trying to

get the drums out of my loft, and Mark was texting. To me, It's all about knowing how to become a stronger

person and because of a friend like Mark, I know how to be that person.

In conclusion, It feels only necessary to remind anyone reading this that they should

never turn down a friendship. Don't let a person treat you, how you're not meant to be. Finally, enjoy the

ride that life has in store for you, without forgetting, you're the one who has the controls.
♠ ♠ ♠
Written late October to early November, 2010.