Do You

Do you remember when I got back last summer?
Every single late night phone call, trying not to wake Mimi and PawPaw up laughing
Or crying. Whatever it was. Every single "I miss you"
Every single "I'll be back in two weeks—ten days—tomorrow"
And the day I got back I called you
"I'm home, get your ass to the bus stop NOW"
And I saw you and I ran faster than I ever had before
Screaming your name until my throat hurt
I was so happy;
My heart could have exploded in my chest and I wouldn't have known.
It was like—like seeing the sun, when I only knew it as a distant memory.
The grin on your face when you saw me,
The way your arms felt around me when I leapt into them
For once not worrying about where I landed as long as you were there and I knew.
You were going to catch me anyway, you always did so what did it matter?
I leapt the last three feet, I couldn't wait anymore and you caught me and I was home.
Home. I grabbed your shirt and wrapped my arms around you and I held on for dear life;
Held onto my life. You carried me home on your back and my face hurt like hell from smiling.
You didn't know it, or if you did you never told me.
The whole way back when we weren't talking I was whispering "I love you" into your shirt.
I missed you so much. I don't remember feeling that happy before.
You make me someone different
A lover, made of sun and light and happiness
Who ever would have thought?
You bring out the best in me.

Do you remember when we were free?