Unyeilding Time

It was one day,
Time that is.
Which marked the beginning of my years.

On I grew, laughing merrily in my youth,
Never pausing to check the hourglass,
And the grains of sand did fall slowly but surely.

I danced in the forest with the rhythm of life,
Free spirited and ready to travel the footsteps of unknown paths,
When a snake menacingly lay coiled before me.

Halting I knew not what to do,
For the youth seldom can they see,
Which way one should go.

Frozen, I stumbled left, then right
But could not surpass a serpent as sinister
As the devil himself, grinning triumphantly at my uncertainty.

Time relentlessly chimed in the darkness.
I no longer danced.
Stuck in the past, I ceased the future.