
What happened to the person I used to know?
The person you used to be?
You were cool because you didn’t try
You were amazing because you didn’t know it.
You were my best friend
Because of all the things you didn’t know you were doing.
And now you’re gone.
You’re a completely different person.
You’ve become a person that you used to hate.
You try so hard to fit in,
Do anything to stay in control
Even if it means pushing people down along the way.
This isn’t who I used to know.
This isn’t who you used to be.
The old you would’ve never done that.
The old you would’ve stayed by my side through whatever.
And here you are now, leaving me in the dust.
Where’s the person I used to know?
I would give anything to get you back.
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is about a someone who used to be one of my best friends, but he changed. He changed into someone I don't even recognize anymore, and all I want is for the old you to be back.