The Lone Predator

You stalk the night
as a whisper in
the wind.

Searching for your
next meal; your prey.

You can feel the
surroundings, the
quick racing heartbeat
of a jack rabbit.

You also feel another
thing, the prescence
of the lonely nights
moon shining its
silver light on your

Why this is bothering
you, you do not know
you're a creature of the night.

Hunting your poor and
helpless victim; animal or human.

You keep searching for
another presence
anything at all will
suffice, for your thirst is overwhelmingly strong.

Something on the edge of
the forest moves, you swing
your head around to face
the noise. A young teenage
girl; your perfect meal.
But something holds you back.

Is it the silver on her crow
black hair or the sky blue
gleam of her sharp eyes?

You stop to stare, watching
her as she guides through the woods.

She looks like a runaway
so you follow as silent
as a moth flying through
the night's sky.

She stops to look around
her blue eyes searching
through the dark forest foliage
searching for something but
what? What is she looking
for? An escape?

Now's your chance to attack.
So you decide to pounce, you
go from behind.

A small whimper escapes her
throat as your sharp fangs sink in.

You craddle her in your arms, she
becomes limp. Her lifes blood rolling
over your tongue and down your throat.

It's quenching your thirst;
her blood, Her life. Her
breathing becomes shallow
her heart slowing. You
watch as her blue eyes
become glazed over.

You're left holding a dead,
pale-blue corpse. You drop
her to the ground.

You could give her life again
an immortal, dark life.

But you don't, you decide why
should you do it for her
if you wouldn't do if for
someone else or even youself.

You leave exactly how you
came, a whisper in the
dark, a shadow in the
wind, or even a lone
predator in the