Like a Ticking Time Bomb

'Hello" he says.
After such a long time.
This is absurd,
I thought that your policy,
Was that i was,
To be seen and not heard.

What's going on here,
According to you,
I am to agree with every word,
A polite nod,
No opinion,
Not for me,
It isn't my place,
It's been an age,
Since this was not the case.

So what would have to change,
For you to consider,
That i might feel something,
When you rant and riddle.
I could never get a word in,
But the anger would rise,
You could see it on my face,
Yet you act surprised,
When i challenge your thoughts,
You always had a counter argument,
Even when i was right.

You'd fight a wrong point to the ground,
And still win the battle,
Well now i'm bored,
Sick of being stomped on,
By your hurtful prattle.
Like a ticking time bomb,
I'm just waiting to explode,
You'd say "well do it quietly",
While i silently erode.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was written with my boyfriend in mind, and since i never get a chance to say what i feel, just like the title, this is my way of keeping myself ticking over, rather than exploding. I don't tend to write about personal feelings, I mostly write about things that I see, behavior, situations, peoples reactions, that fascinate me, so this is a first for me, I don't know if i like it, but there's a point to be made, and I hope this piece of poetry makes it :)