She hates me.

Its metallic taste
My brain does crave,
My inner arms yearn
For that salty taste.
My eyes to see the line,
And the crimson bubble,
“You’re worth nothing.”
She whispers to me,
Something in my subconscious
That wants to hurt me.
To punish myself,
Everything has to be my fault in some way.
“It’s because of you.”
She won’t stop whispering to me,
Though I plead her to stop.
Silence lets her speak,
Thinking lets her free,
I don’t know why,
But she wants to kill me.
She hates me.
She refuses to let me stay happy.
She lies in waiting
Till I’m alone
To pick away at me
Till I want to be gone,
When that feeling fades,
Again she lies in waiting.
To making me feel useless,
Making me want to return to the blade,
Will she ever let me be?
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this one night after reading Impulse by Ellen Hopkins