Wrong Or Right

Boy, you better make your move
If you don’t you’re gonna lose
Boy, this better not be all just a show
If it is I’ll tell you where you can go
I hope you’re happy
With what you’re doing to me
And do you even care
About all this pain I feel?

Just tell me if you love me too
I don’t want to play no games with you
Sometimes if seems like you care
And sometimes it seems like you couldn’t care less
Out of my once orderly life, you’ve made a mess
You keep me wondering late at night
Just tell me if I’m wrong or right

Do you love to play games?
Do you like to tease me?
Cause it just confuses me
Can’t you see what you mean to me?
And do you even know
What I'm going through?
I’m tired of this game of guessing
You need to start confessing
I’m tired of all this stress and…

Just tell me if you love me too
I don’t want to play no games with you
Sometimes if seems like you care
And sometimes it seems like you couldn’t care less
Out of my once orderly life, you’ve made a mess
You keep me wondering late at night
Just tell me if I’m wrong or right
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this about a guy who was sending me mixed signals about whether he liked me or not. I was about to rip my hair out in frustrated, and scream at him, 'Just tell me if you like me or not!', but instead I wrote this to get all my feelings out, so I hope you enjoy! =)