Winters Chill

Can snowflakes ever tell the difference, that there are no two the same,
Sometimes snowflakes, just like some people, gladly melt for warmer things,
And water is much like our feelings, freely flowing, hot or cold,
Emotions can be much like gisers, building up 'til they explode,
While heartache is the winters chill, you can feel it chill your soul,
Loneliness in any weather always feels to cold,
The pond has frozen into ice, snowflakes fall down from above,
Narcissist must have been lonely, to have been the only one he loved,
Did Greece or Rome have colder winters, before the snow fell on your grave,
Before Muhammad, Buddha, Jesus Christ, and all that is in vain.
Sadness passes, just like winter, still I look for better days
Heated by the flame of spirit, I continue to seek change.
Sadness passes, just like winter, because seasons always change,
Still, somewhere by a frozen teardrop, my heart stays the same........