Scarlet Addiction

I sit in math and think about
Those lonely blades in my room
My arm shakes until my skin breaks
My scarlet Addiction

People say my arm and ask
The only thing I say is cat
My lie so lazy because they stare
My Scarlet Addiction

Sooner or later my lie will fail
Because stupid people dig deeper
They'll find out and I won't have to lie
My Scarlet Addiction

I hide myself in a quiet corner
Where no one will look
I go unnoticed
My Scarlet Addiction

No one bothers
Which makes it easy
All by myself
My Scarlet Addiction

I don’t give a shit
No one can stop me
I will fight
My Scarlet Addiction

The blood flows
A smile crosses my face
Scars cross my arms
My Scarlet Addiction

Blood so red
Just a chemical reaction
But so beautiful
My Scarlet Addiction

A thick line of dark red
Think tears of baby blue
My Scarlet Addiction

I feel so free
When I slit my perfect skin
Now it's only perfect in some spots
My Scarlet Addiction

The cut never too deep
Nor shallow
The PERFECT pool of blood
My Scarlet Addiction

A red so beautiful
Hot and seductive
Scars so pretty
My Scarlet Addiction

Against the grain
The high is worth the pain
Sooo good
My Scarlet Addiction

They are the ones cutting me
Not me
It's their fault
My Scarlet Addiction

It's scarlet
It's my addiction
You can watch as I die from my
Red hot scarlet addiction