Only a Plethora of Useless Memories

Words that spill from your lips like a glass of bitter wine
That cut away into my soul as strong as turpentine
Words, sick words that beckon with taunting invitation
Meant to lead to my defamation, and I need an explanation

Why do you hate me? We were friends not so long ago
We’d talk about the future, and where we all would go
We watched movies under blankets, and sang in broken tunes
We’d look up at the stars and find our answers in the moon

Then you’re gone like a capricious season, and all I have is memory
I was alone when the rug was pulled swiftly out from under me
Now I hear you talking about everything I do
And even though I’m angry, I have to admit I miss you

You snuck up behind me, while I covered what you left with an ice pack
You lifted up that silver dagger, and embedded it deep in my back
Now I have to wonder if our friendship was just a lie
If you planned all this out from the moment I said, “Hi.”

I know that’s childish reason, but this all doesn’t make sense
I have no other friends to sew my back and come to my defense
I hate you, I want to make you pay, and I want to make you cry
But the saddest part in this situation is I don’t want to say goodbye