
One summer we never knew each other.
Then the time came to do the game.
I saw you again for the first time since summer.
We held hands for no reason at all.
That first touch set my heart on fire.
My heart filled with love, laughter, and joy.
My emotions wouldn't leave me alone.
My heart begain to love.
Then another frame came into the picture.
Moment by moment your face disappeared.
I was drowning in stupidity of love for another man.
I was trapped too deep in the moment.
Reality finally hit.
I could breathe.
You were the first light I saw.
Your the road I run to when the storm comes.
Your the umbrella to the rain
I knew I was in love with you again.

The way your lips curl when you smile,
The way your eyes light up when your happy,
The way your hair looks when you've had a bad day,
The way your voice moves when you try to act ganster,
The way your body moves when you try to walk all big and bad,
The way you flirt and don't realize it,
The way you listen and never interrupt,
The way your always there no matter what,
The way you tell me I'm good enough,
The way your always there when the rest of the world walks out.

But I'm gutless.
too afraid to speak the truth.
A new rose has taken your hand.
before I could move you were already gone.
You disappeared into the dark.
My light was gone and my heart was hollow.
Jealously wanted to set in
but I knew that wasn't the way to go.
The Prince has run off with his princess.
While The maid is still indoors.
Feeling heart broken.
Feeling gutless.
Feeling unable to speak.

If you come back.
I'll always be here.
your princess has a posion apple.
But I have the pieces to the puzzle.
The answer to all your questions.
all I want from you is to love me too. (:
Will you?