I'll see you again.

In the cold of the night I stood
to say good bye to you
for the last time

As I stood there waiting
the memories of you kept running through my mind

Your smile
so bright and cheerful
A heart
so welcoming and humble
Why it had to happen to you, I'll never understand.

As I got closer to you
the more clear it became
you were in a better place now

You looked so peaceful, so calm
laying there with your eyes closed
your friends and family surrounding you
saying their final good byes.
If only you could have seen everyone..

2500 people, you touched.
2500 people can say that they knew you,.
that they were blessed to have you in their life.
2500 people who will carry your spirit forever.

I've cried my tears for you,
but I know that's not what you want.
So now I wear a smile for you,
and hold you close to my heart.

I'll see you again someday my friend.
I know you'll be here beside me.
Rest easy until then my friend.
I'll see you again soon, sweet Casey.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a poem that I wrote to my friend Casey that passed away on November 9. He was a friend to many and loved by all.