
Rainbows and Unicorns
Greet us at the Candy Gates
Where we walk hand in hand
Through a field of Butterscotch
"That Beautiful Mirror,"
I say
It is not what it seems
It shows both sides of personality
Anything that's alive
But we're in a dream
I gaze into the mirror
All the sudden it darkenss
We fall into neverland it seems
I'm trapped in a mirror forced to see all things evil,
The rainbows are black and they tear us apart
Screming and kicking all the way,
The evergreens turn down and vines turn to snakes and hiss..
We are trapped by Mirrors that mock
This was Neverland was it?
Then why are we growing old?
Older and older..
'Til we rott..
we did rott in Hell
Hell in disguise
Hell in mirrors