Starve Myself Thin

My stomach stabs,
groans in pain,
cries for the food it hasnt tasted in days,
"eat something," they tell me,
but make me they cant,
I've finally stopped eating,
and dont plan to re-start,
"I'm not hungry,"
I'm starving,
don't you see, thats the point,
cant you see through the lie?
see the disorder in my mind?
i smile at the pain,
my body eating itsself away,
some say it's descusting to starve myself thin,
but i look forward to the day bones stick out of my skin
Some days I want to tell the world,
yell at the top of my lungs,
but society will only judge,
tell me I'm insane,
I should be locked away,
well maybe Im a sinner,
but every day I get thinner,
and I will resist the temtation until I come to the realisation,
that food is not the enemy,
until then just let me be,
just call it a phase,
we all have different ways,
until you notice ill never eat,
my hunger wont cease,
'cause Im going to win,
Im going to starve myself thin