
I saved my love
Bound it with chains, staples, and stakes
To remaining tendrils of a soul
The shredded remnants catalysts
In some sorry sort of solution
Becoming a thick and bitter liquid
That we're incapable of drinking
That is too poisonous to consume
It rests somewhere below the surface
Buried beneath dark black sands
Waiting to be sipped from pale, cupped hands
That will sink into its depths and offer sweet kisses
If only to splintered skeletons
And their long-abandoned eye sockets

It hangs out to dry, but never does
Constantly dripping that miasmic fluid
But never seems to be rid of it
Like blood, it attracts the darkness
Filling the light full of black until it explodes
Leaving only the memory of color
And I'm left with nothing
But the sensation of nothing
In all directions
Hanging over me, scratching out my eyes
Filling my mouth with silence and my ears with white noise
Stealing away my love and replacing it with emptiness
That fills the world around me
And extends into forever
Leaving me behind