A Snapshot of You

Every place I look,
I see you there
Every time I see
a smiling snapshot of you,
my soul somersaults in
extreme exultation
and absolute adulation
of you. Your blinding
smile sends a brilliant bundle
of pure peace and
extreme endorphins chorusing
through my body.
You strike your perfect pose,
caught in all the great glory
of the joyous moment made
eternal, engraved in a
piece of photo paper
like the final testament
that is remiss in reminding
me of your regal presence.
Yet your body more motionless
than when I met you at
the morgue. The
somber stillness of your
cold corpse captured my attention.
At that moment, The door
to heaven clapped closed
as I was cast to the cold curb
where misery malingers.
Your death, the sudden stampede
rampaging my heart leaving
it ripped and weak in its wake.
I can still feel the love
that lingered around your long
slender fingers as they lightly
slid down my body, lower and lower.
All the support you sought to give me.
All the support that kept me sane
is now fleeing my feeble body
frantically like a fanatic
witnessing the loss of his vice.
Still I dream of your death and
I wake with a start screaming,
silently for I have screamed and wept too much
for your sudden departure.
I wake with a start
expecting your elegant arms
to wrap faithfully around me.
Expecting your voice to calm
my violently thrashing soul.
Expecting the vibrations of your voice
to tell me that it will be alright
for surely our love will prevail.
Expecting you to reassure me
that all the careless cliches
of love are totally true.
Instead, my waist lays
barren of your amorous arms.
Instead, Strong silence stings my soul.
Instead, I yearn for your
touch just one more time.
I miss watching your beautiful body
breathe carelessly as you sleep
and saunter in the world of dreams.
Knowing that you will soon join me
when I drift into the world of my dreams.
I miss placing my arms around you
just to know that you are real.
Just to know that you are not
an insipid illusion of my subconscious.
When we first met, I yearned
for you for many years.
I yearned just to hold you close to me.
Then, my yearnings were
satiable satisfied by you subtle
presence suffocating any
fears I had formed about losing you.
Yet the terrible truth is that
you have been taken from me again.
But I will continue to search and
fight for you as I know you will
wait for me, with the celestial
beings, to finally find you so
that we can be together once again.
So that I may stay with you
and have more than a subtle
snapshot to keep me company.