17 Scars

17 scars
Brown against my white skin
Signs that I nearly gave in
Now where is that evil pin?

17 scars
That I fear will never fade
Showing how much I frayed
This is the price I've payed

17 scars
I can't seem to stop counting
It's not too big of a thing
Just memories of when I didn't sing

17 scars
Make me fear to lift my shirt
Every time I see them I feel like dirt
This secret I can't blurt

17 scars
To show all my pain
Of a time when I went insane
And I cracked under the strain

17 scars
When all my fears came true
And from this world I nearly flew
Because I just felt too blue

17 scars
I can't even remember how many
Times I opened them just to see
Blood coming out of me

17 scars
That now make me sick
By my own head I was tricked
To make it deep and make it quick

17 scars
I'm horrified I have still
Reminding me of a time when I was pain-filled
And by myself I was nearly killed

17 scars
To make me remember all those tears I shed
To remind me of when I hated my own head
To force me to remember when I wanted to be dead